Battle Scars


I walk through life.. no, sometimes I run, scratch, crawl, cycle, kick and scream through life.. and along the way, I get these scars... my battle scars of life. I also can breath, sleep, sing, dance, glide and make my walk look effortless.

I still get those battle scars...

They make me real, remind me I am real, human, woman, mother, doer, activist, keeper of the fire.

Scars tell us stories.. I have many.

Are scars unsightly, like stains? or are they reminders that we are alive, real and living....?

What is amazing, is the body's ability to heal, the skin anyhow.. and often the scar gently remains.. deep inside the tissue... it is the unseen that is often ignored...

"Issues in the tissues" they say... the skin can heal, but so much more lies within...often unhealed and hidden.

What is perfect? ...who is perfect?


Not me...