Manitoba group walks around 'Most Threatened' Lake Winnipeg


A Manitoba woman, Katherine Morrisseau-Sinclair and the Lake Winnipeg Water Walkers have just completed a 1,000 kilometre trek around Lake Winnipeg which started on July 12th and finished on August 8th. "Lake Winnipeg should be 'recognized as a person,"Morriseau-Sinclair told CBC News and she believes the lake has a spirit, and it needs to heal spiritually.  She was joined by community members from all walks of life to take part in the “Lake Winnipeg Water Walk” to help her begin that healing process.

"In 2013, Lake Winnipeg – the 10th largest fresh water lake in the world, was nominated “Most Threatened Lake” by Global Nature Fund. It was suggested that in 10 years this lake could die if action is not taken to help her heal."


"Covering 1032 kilometres in 28 days, this volunteer driven effort is one of many such walks taking place across the globe to protect our sacred and living waters. Joining this growing global movement, the Lake Winnipeg Water Walk reminds us that what we do to the water, we do to ourselves."

"Through community leadership and commitment, we can work collectively to ensure that our life giving water continues to flow and sustain future generations. We are all responsible for the health of our waters – the time is now."

"I've seen fishermen talk about a time when that lake was so pristine and clean," Morrisseau-Sinclair told CBC News. "And now that green algae is just smothering her. In Norway House,  they're afraid to allow their kids to swim."

"She's very sick, I've seen it firsthand," she said. "The people talk about fishermen, for example, in Grand Rapids who used to be able to fish so abundantly. [Now} they have a great deal of difficulty filling their quota."

Morrisseau-Sinclair told CBC News she's optimistic her walk has had an impact. She said she's thrilled people in communities along the shores say they will now band together to take action to clean up the lake.

"What an amazing ending to our journey! Over 60 people from many different communities joined us today as we walked in to Manigotagan and ended this journey of the Lake Winnipeg Water Walk," she said on her Facebook page.

Ingah izitchigay nibi ohnjay . "I will do it for the water," is her motto.

The groups Facebook page: Lake  Winnipeg Water Walkers (All photos seen here are from their Facebook page. )
