The Curler Generation

curler-girlMy mother is from the curler generation. Not sure women of our era use them any more? I was always fascinated watching her at night... curler after curler. She'd do most of it without even looking. Sometimes I'd help and hand her her bobby pins.  Those old bristly silver curlers...I wondered how anyone could sleep in them! As a child I loved when she'd put my hair up in curlers, but thankfully I had the pink sponge curlers, and those were bad enough for sleeping. My children loved curlers when they were little. "I look beautiful like Grandma," they'd say as they toddled off to bed in pink sponge. 

Mom also did pin curls.. another dying art. Those really fascinated me. She was a pro at dissecting up her hair with her rat-tail comb, and wrapping each long bunch around her finger, then pushing it flat against her head and securing it down with one or two bobby pins. 

What really threw me off, was the next morning, after she'd take her pins and curlers out, she's back comb the whole thing. I couldn't figure out why you'd want curls, then brushed them out... Anyhow, that's what she did, and she always looks amazing. The Queen's hairstyle for most of her life. I mean Queen E of course.

Whether she had her curlers in or out she was always presentable (in this photo we were out shopping and she had her scarf thingy on her rollers). My mom was usually coifed to perfection, and always was one of the most beautiful women around. She still is at over 80. Long live the pin curl!