Speaking for Salmon on Hong Kong Radio

Dan, a former resident of Coquitlam and the host of "Hello, Sunrise" on RTHK in Hong Kong interviewed me about the salmon return and Hoy Creek Hatchery. As well as the work we do at the Hoy - Scott Watershed Society.

He sent me questions and I recorded the responses for him. The segment aired on Oct. 25, 2021.

If you know Cantonese, you can listen to PART 2, starting at the 7-minute mark for the 15 min segment with him discussing with the co-host. You can hear my voice (English) come in around the 20-minute mark, where Dan’s co-host translates what I’m saying.

"Hope my program could really help promote Salmon Run, especially among the Cantonese communities in Greater Vancouver," said Dan.

I hope so too!

LISTEN HERE —- select PART 2 (bottom link) for the 7-minute or 20-min mark.